
Pool & Amenities

Family rooms


Beddings & Linen

Non Smoking Rooms

Wifi free

Trained Staff

Best Location

Free Parking

Pet Friendly

Door key

Swimming Pool

Dip into Refreshment and Relaxation! Immerse yourself in our inviting swimming pool and indulge in poolside amenities that make your stay unforgettable. Embrace the ultimate poolside paradise at Crystal Palace Resort. 🏊‍♂️🌴

Best Suites

Unveil the Premier Experience! 📖 Immerse yourself in the allure of Crystal Palace Resort through our blog. Let the words paint your next beach escape. Read now and let your dreams set sail. 🌊🏖️

Spa & Wellness

You will receive what your body needs on the outside and inside to feel refreshed, energized, and looking your best when visting our spa.

SWimming pool

Our open air swimming pool is located near the sea with its beautiful view. Water of the pool is blue and clean to make refreshing mind and body.

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